
PM Orbán: Hungarians and Swiss Share Common Concerns About the EU

Europe’s Inability to Govern Itself: Orbán’s Critique and Hungary’s Vision

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary delivered a scathing assessment of Europe’s governance abilities, claiming that the continent has lost the capacity to set clear goals and determine the means to achieve them. Speaking at an event celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Swiss weekly Weltwoche in Zurich, Orbán highlighted Europe’s declining share of global economic output and predicted that by 2030, Germany would be the only European country remaining among the top ten economic powers.

Orbán also criticized Europe for its failure to manage internal enlargement and address regional conflicts in Ukraine and the Western Balkans. He emphasized the need for a stronger, work-based society rather than one built on welfare, affirming Hungary’s commitment to promoting prosperity through labor-focused policies.

In contrast to the Western model, which Orbán described as centering on welfare, Hungary’s approach revolves around family values, low taxes, and the attraction of investments from both Eastern and Western sources. Additionally, Orbán emphasized the Hungarian government’s stance on demographic challenges, advocating family-focused policies as opposed to open immigration.

The Prime Minister’s political director, Balázs Orbán, shared images of the celebration, underscoring the significance of the event. Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó addressed the conflict in Ukraine, criticizing certain European politicians for their “war psychosis” and stressing Hungary’s commitment to promoting peace.

Szijjártó emphasized the need for diplomatic solutions and maintaining open channels of communication, particularly with Russia and Belarus. He also expressed Hungary’s support for the return of former US President Donald Trump, whom he viewed as contributing to a safer world during his tenure.

In the face of global crises, including energy price increases and food shortages, Szijjártó stressed the importance of prioritizing peace. He called for international politics to return to a spirit of mutual respect and highlighted Hungary’s commitment to sovereign foreign policy, echoing the sentiment of rejecting external pressure.

In essence, Orbán’s critique of Europe’s governance and Hungary’s vision for a labor-based, family-focused society stand as a testament to the current state of affairs in the continent and the differing approaches taken by its political leaders.



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