
PM Orbán launches new European party in Vienna: Patriots for Europe

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has announced the beginning of a “new era” in European politics, forming a new European political pact with Herbert Kickl, the head of the Freedom Party of Austria, and Andrej Babis, the former prime minister of the Czech Republic. The trio aims to bring about significant changes in European politics, declaring the end of a 25-year era that began with the dismantling of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

Orbán emphasized the formation of a new European political group that will alter the current European political landscape. The group’s main principles include advocating for the Europe of nations, protecting member states’ sovereignty, securing borders against illegal migration, and upholding the veto rights of member states.

The new alliance, which includes Fidesz, FPÖ, and ANO parties, is set to become the largest in the European Parliament in the coming days. Orbán expressed confidence that this new political force would bring about much-needed change in Europe, challenging the current Brussels elite and their resistance to change.

In his address, Orbán highlighted the discrepancies between European citizens’ desires for peace, order, and development and the actions of the current Brussels elite, which he claimed were pushing for war, migration, and stagnation. He criticized the Brussels elite’s handling of various crises, including the economic decline, terrorism threats, and the conflict in Ukraine.

Orbán also pointed out the need for a shift towards sustainable and competitive policies in Europe, criticizing what he referred to as “poisonous green policies” that are detrimental to the economy. He stressed the importance of national sovereignty and the traditional family values that Hungary stands for in the midst of what he described as a liberal ocean in Europe.

The formation of this new alliance represents a significant development in European politics, signaling a shift towards a more nationalistic and sovereignty-focused approach. Orbán, Kickl, and Babis are committed to bringing about real change in Europe and challenging the status quo set by the Brussels elite.


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