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Police Arrested for Excessive Force on Fleeing Accident Victims in Çanakkale

A police officer in Çan district was arrested for using excessive force and physically assaulting suspects running away after a traffic accident. The incident, which occurred on May 11 at around 00.30, was captured on a mobile phone camera.

According to reports, two individuals involved in a traffic accident attempted to flee the scene but were stopped by the police. The officers used batons to forcefully remove the suspects from the vehicle and one officer repeatedly struck one of the suspects on the face, head, and body with the baton. The suspect fell while trying to defend himself, and his friend attempted to intervene but was also targeted by the officer.

The incident was recorded and the police officer in question was suspended from duty pending an investigation. Following the investigation, one officer was arrested while the other was released under judicial control.

In response to the incident, the Çanakkale Governorship issued a statement condemning the behavior of the police officers, stating that such actions are unacceptable. The Governorship emphasized that immediate disciplinary action was taken against the officers, with one being arrested and the other placed under judicial control.

The incident has sparked outrage and calls for accountability within the Çan community. The authorities have reassured the public that they are taking the necessary steps to ensure that justice is served and that such behavior will not be tolerated in the future.


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