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Police Suspect Motorcycle Driver; Teams Encounter Horror at House

Provincial Police Department teams in Mersin made a shocking discovery during a routine stop of a motorcycle driver in the Korukent District of Toroslar district. The driver, identified as AY, was found with a shattered steel safe and a large amount of money on the motorcycle. Upon questioning, AY confessed to stealing the safe from a house in İnönü District of Yenişehir district.

However, the situation took a dark turn when the police visited the address mentioned by AY and found the lifeless body of Şule Özlem Ural in the house. It was determined that Ural had been strangled to death. AY was immediately detained on suspicion of murder, and it was later discovered that Ural’s body had been buried in the Disaster Cemetery in Yenişehir district.

The investigation into this tragic incident is ongoing as authorities work to uncover the full details of the case. The shocking turn of events has left the community in disbelief as they await justice for the victim and answers to the disturbing events that unfolded in their neighborhood.



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