
Post Office Staffing and Equipment Shortage: Threats of Legal Action – BRTK

Metin Atan, Chairman of the Turkish Cypriot Public Servants’ Union (KAMUSEN), has issued a warning regarding the lack of personnel and equipment in the Postal Department. In a recent statement, Atan highlighted the importance of addressing the ongoing issues within the department in order to ensure efficient service delivery.

According to Atan, the Postal Department plays a crucial role in transferring funds to the Ministry of Finance, but is currently facing challenges related to understaffing and inadequate equipment. These issues have led to an increased workload for a limited number of employees and have resulted in a decline in service quality.

Atan emphasized that if no immediate action is taken to address the employment and equipment shortages, the union will not hesitate to exercise their legal rights, which may include organizing demonstrations and strikes. The union is calling on the relevant authorities to prioritize the needs of the Postal Department and take necessary steps to improve working conditions for employees.

It remains to be seen how the situation will unfold, but it is clear that the union is prepared to take a stand in order to protect the rights of postal workers and ensure the efficient functioning of the department.


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