
President of Assembly Töre Meets with Azerbaijani Prime Minister Asadov

The President of the Assembly of the Republic, Zorlu Töre, recently visited Baku for the 13th General Assembly meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkish States. During his visit, he had a meeting with the Prime Minister of Azerbaijan, Ali Asadov.

The meeting took place at the Prime Ministry building and lasted approximately 1 hour. In addition to President Töre and Prime Minister Asadov, UBP Deputy İzlem Gürçağ Altuğra, TRNC’s Baku Representative Ambassador Ufuk Arca Turganer, and Republic Assembly Private Secretary İrem Uygun were also present at the meeting.

President Töre is expected to continue making diplomatic contacts in Baku today before returning to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus tomorrow evening.

This meeting highlights the importance of diplomatic relations and cooperation between Turkey and Azerbaijan, as well as the ongoing collaboration within the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkish States. Stay tuned for more updates on President Töre’s visit and his diplomatic efforts in Baku.



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