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President of Religious Affairs, Erbaş, met with relatives of martyrs and veterans at iftar in Istanbul

President of Religious Affairs Ali Erbaş attended the iftar program in Istanbul organized by the Relatives of Martyrs and Veterans Solidarity Foundation of Turkey. Speaking in the program, President Erbaş stated that martyrdom is one of the highest spiritual positions that a person can reach, and said, “We live in a land of martyrs, as the poet said, ‘doubt will sprout, if you squeeze the soil, doubt’. Our Almighty Lord; ‘Do not say that those who are killed in the way of Allah are dead. No, they are alive, but you do not know.’ commands,” he said. Expressing that being a martyr’s family or a veteran is an occasion of great pride, President Erbaş said, “It is a great honor to have a heart, a child and a relative who will sacrifice his life for the values ​​he believes in, both in this world and in the hereafter.”



Expressing that it is their most fundamental duty to protect the values ​​that martyrs and veterans defend and entrust at the cost of their lives, President Erbaş continued his words as follows:

“We, with all our means and strength, will defend our homeland and our values ​​entrusted to the martyrs. We will never leave our martyrs families and veterans alone. On this occasion, I commemorate all our martyrs and veterans who passed away with mercy and gratitude. I pray to our Lord to protect our homeland, country and state, which they left us as a legacy, from all kinds of evil. May Almighty Allah not give an opportunity to traitors who will harm the survival of our religion, state and nation, and who will attack our independence and future.


President Erbaş said, “I commemorate with gratitude and respect all our heroic veterans who, with an unwavering faith, willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of religion, homeland and sanctity, and were honored with the honor of veteran. We wish a healthy, peaceful long life to our veterans who are still alive; I beg my Lord’s mercy and forgiveness for those who died in hardship.”

The program was attended by the Minister of Family and Social Services Derya Yanık, the Provincial Mufti of Istanbul Prof. Dr. Safi Arpagus and Bilge Gürs, Chairman of the Turkish Martyrs’ Relatives and Veterans Solidarity Foundation.

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Source Link: NTV/TRT

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President of Religious Affairs Ali Erbaş attended an iftar program organized by the Relatives of Martyrs and Veterans Solidarity Foundation of Turkey in Istanbul. He spoke about the spiritual importance of martyrdom and the pride that comes with being a martyr’s family or a veteran. He emphasized the duty of protecting the values that martyrs and veterans defend and entrust at the cost of their lives. He also prayed for the protection of the homeland, country, and state, which the martyrs left as their legacy. The program was attended by other prominent figures, including the Minister of Family and Social Services and the Provincial Mufti of Istanbul.

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