
President Tatar Attends Association of Animal Producers and Breeders General Assembly

President Ersin Tatar recently attended the 6th General Assembly of the Association of Animal Producers and Breeders, where he highlighted the importance of the animal husbandry sector in the country’s development.

During his speech at the assembly, President Tatar emphasized the crucial role that animal husbandry plays in the country’s economy, especially in relation to tourism, higher education, and other key sectors. He noted that products derived from animal husbandry are essential consumption items that are always in demand.

President Tatar also stressed the need for incentives and support for the livestock sector to help offset input costs and ensure its sustainability. He highlighted the importance of keeping up with technological advancements and implementing them in production areas to enhance efficiency and productivity.

Despite facing unfair embargoes, President Tatar mentioned the efforts to overcome obstacles, including addressing injustices in trade regulations. He proposed solutions to facilitate trade between different sides, aiming to reduce barriers and promote economic growth.

In light of recent global crises and natural disasters, President Tatar reiterated the significance of agriculture, animal husbandry, and domestic production. He emphasized the importance of increasing trade with Turkey and other Turkish states to counter unfair embargoes and enhance opportunities for economic growth.

President Tatar commended those contributing to the sector and encouraged continued innovation and adaptation to new technologies. He concluded by expressing his wish for a successful and productive outcome from the general assembly, benefitting the animal producers and breeders in the country.



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