
President Tatar Briefs Assembly on Cyprus Issue

The General Assembly of the Parliament recently convened for an extraordinary meeting in which President Ersin Tatar participated. The purpose of the meeting was for President Tatar to address the Assembly of the Republic on the ongoing Cyprus issue.

This special session was called for by some deputies affiliated with the Republican Turkish Party group, in accordance with the 2nd paragraph of Article 60 of the Internal Regulations of the Assembly of the Republic. President Tatar took this opportunity to provide important updates and information on the Cyprus situation to the Assembly members.

The meeting provided a platform for discussion and debate on the complex and sensitive matter of Cyprus, with all parties contributing their perspectives and insights. It was an important opportunity for dialogue and cooperation among the members of the Parliament as they work towards a resolution to the Cyprus issue.

Overall, the extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly served as a valuable forum for exchanging ideas and fostering unity in addressing one of the most pressing challenges facing the region. President Tatar’s participation and insights added significant value to the discussions and will hopefully contribute to progress in resolving the Cyprus issue.


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