
President Tatar hosts health tourism delegates at reception

President Ersin Tatar hosted a reception for 300 World Health Tourism Delegates from 50 countries to attend the 6th World Health Tourism Forum and Conference. The event, held under the chairmanship of World Health Council Term President, Deputy Ahmet Savaşan, saw President Tatar expressing his pleasure in welcoming the delegates at the Presidency.

During his speech, President Tatar highlighted the importance of discussions around tourism and health issues, including advancements in science, technology systems, and artificial intelligence.

The President mentioned the fortunate opportunities available to the current generation in terms of healthcare, emphasizing the significance of finding solutions to health problems and enhancing the quality of life. He also noted the role of health tourism in not only providing medical treatment but also offering tourism opportunities to patients.

Reflecting on the challenges overcome during the Covid-19 pandemic, President Tatar acknowledged the efforts of healthcare professionals and the role of science and vaccines in combating the crisis. He also expressed concern over the situation in Gaza, urging humanity and relevant authorities to address the ongoing issues.

President Tatar congratulated the delegates on being part of the health tourism family, envisioning success in the field through collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the utilization of science and technology to improve services.

Furthermore, Deputy Chairman of the World Health Council, Ahmet Savaşan, shared his pleasure in hosting delegates from over 50 countries at the event. Moldova Health Tourism President Natalia Ciobanu, who succeeded TRNC as the World Health Tourism term president, expressed gratitude for the hospitality received and emphasized the contributions made to global health tourism development.

Overall, the 6th World Health Tourism Forum and Conference proved to be a platform for fruitful discussions, cultural exchange, and mutual learning in the realms of health, tourism, and international cooperation. President Tatar and other officials extended their appreciation to all participants for their valuable contributions to the event.



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