
President Tatar Observes Mediterranean Storm Exercise with Martyr Captain Cengiz Topel

President Ersin Tatar Participates in Martyr Captain Cengiz Topel Mediterranean Storm Exercise

President Ersin Tatar recently took part in the Martyr Captain Cengiz Topel Mediterranean Storm-2024 Exercise, which involved land, sea, and air elements from the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

During the exercise, President Tatar commended Air Force Commander General Ziya Cemal Kadıoğlu, Turkish Cypriot Peace Force Commander Major General Sebahattin Kılınç, Security Force Commander Brigadier General İlker Görgülü, as well as the Mehmetçik and Mujahideen who contributed to the planning, execution, and management of the exercise. The primary goal of the exercise was to enhance training, cooperation, and interoperability between the Turkish Cypriot Peace Force Command and the Security Forces Command.

In recognition of their efforts, President Tatar presented a plaque of appreciation to all participants of the exercise. The event served as an opportunity to strengthen ties between the participating forces and further enhance their joint capabilities.

Overall, the Martyr Captain Cengiz Topel Mediterranean Storm Exercise was a success, showcasing the dedication and commitment of the Turkish and Turkish Cypriot forces to enhancing their military readiness and cooperation in the region.



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