
President Tatar Welcomes Kars Caucasus University Delegation – BRTK

President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus recently met with a delegation from Kars Caucasus University, led by Rector Prof. Dr. Hüsnü Kapu. During the meeting, President Tatar expressed his satisfaction at hosting the delegation and highlighted the importance of cooperation with Kars Kafkas University for the TRNC.

In his speech, President Tatar addressed the ongoing Cyprus issue, stating that the Greek mentality has not changed and emphasizing the necessity of reaching an agreement with the Turkish Cypriots based on equality. He mentioned that previous attempts at federation had failed and declared that the federation chapter is now closed.

President Tatar reaffirmed the commitment to new and national policies with the full support of the Republic of Turkey, emphasizing that the right to sovereignty will never be compromised. He also underlined the historical significance of the Turkish presence on the island and asserted that sovereignty is a non-negotiable right.

Highlighting the importance of Turkey’s continued guarantorship, President Tatar expressed dedication to enhancing relations with Turkey and Turkic states to strengthen the TRNC’s structure in all areas. He emphasized the ongoing efforts to bolster mutual relations with Turkey and reiterated the government’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the TRNC’s sovereignty.



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