
President Tokayev and Foreign Minister Discuss Regional Security Priorities at CAF Meeting

Kazakhstan Emphasizes the Importance of Central Asian Success

Kazakhstan’s President, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, expressed the country’s commitment to the principle that a prosperous Central Asia is crucial for the success of Kazakhstan. His statement was delivered by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Murat Nurtleu during the Central Asian Security and Cooperation Forum (CAF) held in Astana on July 13.

President Tokayev highlighted the urgent need for direct and open dialogue with the expert community in the face of the complex global environment characterized by a dangerous erosion of international relations, rising geostrategic tensions, and economic uncertainty. He identified trends such as a lack of trust, ideological polarization, and information wars as particular concerns.

The President called upon leading political scientists, economists, and prestigious think tanks and research institutes to collaborate in searching for constructive ideas and effective approaches to building a safer and more just world. Their expertise could enhance Central Asia’s influence in the international arena and promote intra-regional interaction and partnerships.

Deputy Prime Minister Nurtleu reiterated Kazakhstan’s determination to pursue a balanced, multi-vector, and constructive foreign policy in the face of unprecedented challenges that threaten the existence of nations. He acknowledged the contrast between rapid growth and instability experienced by different parts of Asia and emphasized Kazakhstan’s efforts to promote peace and long-term development in the region.

Nurtleu emphasized the importance of investments in economic welfare, cultural enrichment, and dedication as pathways to social and economic prosperity, security, and stability across the continent. He also highlighted Kazakhstan’s initiatives to strengthen regional interaction through various dialogue platforms involving countries such as China, the European Union, India, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the United States.

Kazakhstan aims to transform Central Asia into a Eurasian transport and logistics hub by fostering partnerships along the Middle Corridor. The country seeks to leverage the potential of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the EU’s Global Gateway initiative, and the G7’s Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment.

Addressing key security challenges, Nurtleu discussed the importance of addressing water and environmental issues, resolving border disputes, and addressing the situation in Afghanistan. Kazakhstan proposed the establishment of a Regional Water and Energy Consortium to address water resource shortages. The country seeks mutually acceptable agreements on transboundary rivers with Afghanistan, China, and Russia.

Nurtleu emphasized the need for peaceful negotiations to resolve border disputes in Central Asia and highlighted Kazakhstan’s efforts in this area. He mentioned the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea and President Tokayev’s call to ensure the Caspian Sea becomes a sea of peace and new opportunities.

Regarding the situation in Afghanistan, Nurtleu reiterated Kazakhstan’s proposal to establish a UN Regional Hub for Sustainable Development in Central Asia and Afghanistan. He emphasized the crucial role of peace in Afghanistan for the future development of Asia and Europe.

Nurtleu also highlighted Kazakhstan’s initiatives to enhance security, including the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), nuclear non-proliferation efforts, and its current chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Kazakhstan and its CICA partners advocate for the establishment of a pan-Eurasian security system. The country also advocates for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and the expansion of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

In conclusion, Kazakhstan remains proactive in pursuing the development of the region amid emerging challenges and opportunities. The government recognizes the importance of regional collaboration and engagement with the international community to achieve peace, stability, and prosperity in Central Asia.



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