
Prime Minister Üstel Engages with Göçmenköy Community

The National Unity Party Chairman and Prime Minister Ünal Üstel recently addressed a crowd gathered in Göçmenköy. The event saw active participation from various Nicosia Organizations who showed their support for Üstel.

During his speech, Prime Minister Üstel expressed his joy at being a part of the enthusiastic crowd in Göçmenköy, a prominent political center in Nicosia. He specifically thanked Özel Kadıoğlu, the Legendary Organization President, for his unwavering support and stability in Göçmenköy.

With the party congress approaching, Üstel highlighted the unity within the party base, emphasizing the importance of staying united even after the congress. He urged the crowd to promise to maintain this unity for the future success of the party.

Acknowledging potential attempts to disrupt the unity of the UBP, Üstel assured that they will combat any such efforts together. He stressed the importance of staying strong and united to shape the future of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

As the date of September 21 holds significance for the country, Üstel emphasized the importance of the message they will convey to the world on that day. He concluded by stating their commitment to continue progressing confidently on their path post-September 21.



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