
Proposed Laws on Public Administration and Central Bank Amended by TRNC

The Public Administration and Human Resources Presidency (Establishment, Duties and Working Principles) Draft Law and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Central Bank Organization (Amendment) Draft Law have been unanimously approved in the General Assembly of the Republic Assembly.

During the session, Deputy Sunat Atun presented the report on the “Public Administration and Human Resources Presidency (Establishment, Duties and Working Principles) Draft Law”, which received unanimous approval without any further discussion.

Similarly, the Committee report on the Central Bank Organization (Amendment) Draft Law was presented by the Administrative, Public and Health Affairs Committee Chairman, UBP Deputy Sunat Atun, and was also accepted unanimously without any objections.

This development marks an important milestone in the legislative process of these laws, showing the consensus reached among the members of the General Assembly. The approval of these draft laws will have significant implications for the public administration and finance sectors in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.


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