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Prosecutor Mücahit Şamil Koca denies giving instructions to law enforcement in Ordu debate

The incident between Ünye Republic Prosecutor Mücahit Şamil Koca and a business owner at a restaurant in Ordu’s Aybastı district has sparked a heated discussion on social media. Prosecutor Koca shared his side of the story with a Demirören News Agency reporter, shedding light on the events that unfolded.

According to Prosecutor Koca, he visited Güleç restaurant at 20:40 upon recommendation. However, the employees’ attitudes were less than welcoming, and the situation escalated when conflicting information was provided about the waiting time for the order. Despite the tension, Prosecutor Koca decided to give the restaurant another chance and re-entered the establishment.

The situation took a turn for the worse when the owner of the business challenged Prosecutor Koca’s profession, leading to a physical altercation outside the restaurant. Prosecutor Koca emphasized that he did not provoke the incident and was simply trying to address the situation peacefully.

In the aftermath, false information began circulating on social media, distorting the events that transpired. Prosecutor Koca expressed shock at the spread of misinformation and the overwhelming response he received following the incident.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is vital to consider all perspectives and await further updates on the matter. The resolution of the conflict between Prosecutor Koca and the restaurant owner remains uncertain, but it serves as a reminder of the importance of peaceful conflict resolution and communication.



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