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Qassam Brigades Strike Israeli Soldiers in Jibaliya Refugee Camp

Israeli Soldiers Targeted by Palestinian Resistance Groups in Gaza Strip

In a recent development in the ongoing conflict between Palestinian resistance groups and Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip, the Qassam Brigades announced in a written statement on their Telegram account that Israeli soldiers in the east of Cibaliya were targeted. The statement highlighted that the military help line to the Israeli army was cut off from the region.

According to the statement, Israeli soldiers had to change their line of defense after being targeted by Palestinian militants. Additionally, a “Merkava” type tank belonging to the Israeli army was reportedly hit by a “Yasin-105” rocket in the same area.

The Qassam Brigades also mentioned that a group of Israeli soldiers who arrived in the region were also targeted, resulting in casualties among the troops. Israeli forces have been carrying out attacks and raids on the Cibaliya Refugee Camp in the north of the Gaza Strip as the conflict escalates.

The northern areas of the Gaza Strip have become a battleground for violent clashes between Palestinian resistance groups and Israeli forces, with both sides engaged in fierce confrontations. The situation remains volatile as tensions run high in the region.


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