
Remaining Products from Producers to be Compensated – BRTK

Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Hüseyin Çavuş recently provided an update on the current situation regarding citrus fruits in the Gündem+ program on BRT. According to Çavuş, there is a surplus of citrus fruits in the Mediterranean basin this year, with a 20 percent increase in yield in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

As the country faced the arrival of a vector insect, steps were taken swiftly to combat the threat, including the production of another insect to destroy the vector. Despite challenges, export-related activities are ongoing, with a goal to minimize damage to producers and ensure fair compensation.

In efforts to address market issues and increase storage capacity, Cypfruvex is set to acquire a high tonnage cold storage facility. Plans are in place to export 10 thousand tons of products outside the country and 3 thousand tons to Southern Cyprus in the initial stage.

Minister Çavuş emphasized the commitment to continue the fight against vector insects and explore opportunities for the coming years. Two committees have been established to assess the yield and determine payment distribution, with efforts to expedite the process.

Addressing criticism regarding the timeliness of insect control measures, Minister Çavuş reassured that actions were taken promptly upon receiving information about the issue. The focus remains on supporting producers and ensuring a successful citrus fruit harvest despite challenges.



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