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Roofs Blown Off by Strong Winds in Bingöl

Strong Wind Removes Roof of Building in Solhan District of Bingöl

Residents of Solhan district in Bingöl were startled as a strong wind swept through the area, causing the roof of a building to be removed and fall in front of neighboring buildings. The incident occurred as the wind, which started in the evening, increased its intensity in various locations across Bingöl.

Fortunately, despite the chaotic scene of roofs and boards falling in front of buildings, there were no reported injuries. Emergency crews were quick to respond to the situation and ensure the safety of residents in the affected area.

As the strong wind continued to affect Bingöl and its districts, residents are advised to take precautionary measures to protect their properties and stay indoors during severe weather conditions.

Authorities are monitoring the situation closely and working to address any damages caused by the strong winds. It serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared and staying vigilant during unexpected weather events.


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