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“Search for Azad Continues 22 Days after Car Accident in Munzur Stream”

A tragic incident occurred on April 21 in Turkey’s Tunceli province, where Mehmetcan Demiral and his nephew Azad Demiral and Baran Aslantaş had come from Diyarbakır to see the Munzur Gözeleri during the Ramadan Feast holiday. The car they were in lost control at the Aşağı Torunoba location on the 40th kilometer of the Tunceli-Ovacık highway and flew into the Munzur Stream, causing all three people in the car to be lost in the water.

The search and rescue operations for the missing individuals were immediately started by Gendarmerie Underwater Search and Rescue (JAK) teams from several institutions, including AFAD, UMKE, Diyarbakır, Bingöl, Şanlıurfa, and more. The search and rescue team consisted of 1,200 people from different institutions, including National Education Search and Rescue and Nature Conservation and National Parks Branch.

The bodies of Baran Aslantaş and Mehmetcan Demiral were found on the 16th and 19th day of the search operation, respectively. However, the search for Azad Demiral continues on the 22nd day. The governorship has coordinated the operations, and the area is being scanned from the air with helicopters, UAVs, and drones. Divers are also searching underwater using the ROW and SONAR underwater search robot. Some teams are probing the shoreline with iron rods by boat, while volunteer teams are observing at the water’s edge.

It has been a painful experience for the family of Azad Demiral, who are still waiting for his return. The search operation continues with the hope of finding him soon.



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