
Seran Aysal Named President of Turkish Cypriot Engineers and Architects Union

The 56th Ordinary General Assembly of the Union of Chambers of Turkish Cypriot Engineers and Architects was successfully held in Nicosia. During the Assembly, Seran Aysal, the only candidate, was unanimously elected as the Chairman.

The General Assembly took place at the Nicosia Atatürk Cultural Center, where members gathered to approve the Activity and Financial Reports. The reports were unanimously approved, showcasing the Association’s dedication to transparency and accountability.

Additionally, the management team, high honor committee, and audit committee were also determined during the General Assembly, ensuring the smooth operation and governance of the Union of Chambers of Turkish Cypriot Engineers and Architects.

Overall, the General Assembly was a productive and successful event, highlighting the commitment of the members to the advancement and progress of the Association.



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