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Shocking Revelation: Man attempts to run over creature with car, then chases it with knife

A shocking incident occurred at a fuel station in Çayırova district, where a motorcyclist was deliberately targeted by a car driver. The incident took place on Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Street in Cumhuriyet District, leaving the biker in a panic.

The motorcyclist had stopped at the gas station to refuel when the driver of an Audi car, with plate number 34 BJB 921, attempted to run him over while waiting in front of the market door. The car crashed into the market, narrowly missing the biker, who fell to the ground in an attempt to escape.

To make matters worse, the car driver then pursued the motorcyclist with a knife in hand, causing further chaos at the scene. Fortunately, the situation was diffused by the intervention of employees before any harm was done.

It later emerged that the driver had mistaken the motorcyclist for someone who had harmed his brother. Upon seeing the biker’s face, he realized his error, leading to the shocking confrontation at the fuel station.

Security cameras captured the entire incident, prompting the police to launch an investigation into the matter. The motorcyclist was lucky to escape unharmed, but the terrifying encounter serves as a reminder of the potential dangers on the road.


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