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Specialist Sergeant’s Confession of Killing Teacher’s Wife Unveiled

Tragic Incident in Adana: Husband Kills Wife and Injures Others

A heartbreaking incident unfolded yesterday on the streets of Adana, leaving a family shattered and bystanders injured. The unfortunate events took place at around 12.30 on Seyhan district Güneykuşak Boulevard, where a domestic dispute took a deadly turn.

The dispute, involving teacher Hatice Çelik and her husband, specialist sergeant Gökhan Çelik, escalated quickly, leading to a tragic outcome. Gökhan Çelik, reportedly acting out of jealousy, pulled out his service gun during the argument. His wife, Hatice Çelik, tried to escape the situation, but tragically, Gökhan Çelik shot and killed her from behind. He then turned his weapon on his brother-in-law, Murat Akdöker, injuring him severely. The bullets also hit two passers-by and a police vehicle in the vicinity.

Police intervention ensued, urging Gökhan Çelik to surrender. When he refused, the police were forced to shoot him in the leg. Injured but determined, Gökhan Çelik managed to flee into the side streets, prompting a city-wide search.

After a day-long search operation, Gökhan Çelik was eventually found hiding on a rooftop in Yeşilyurt District and taken into custody after receiving medical treatment. Meanwhile, the body of Hatice Çelik was laid to rest in Adana, following an autopsy.

Gökhan Çelik was later referred to court and provided a statement, expressing his fear of losing contact with his child if he divorced his wife. The tragic turn of events has left the community in shock and sorrow, with wishes for recovery extending to the injured bystanders.

As the investigation unfolds, the safety and well-being of all involved remain a top priority, with hopes for justice and healing in the aftermath of this devastating incident.


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