
Speeding to the Adriatic: Budapest’s Shortcut to Croatia Nears Completion

The final section of the motorway between Budapest and Osijek in Croatia is set to be completed by June of this year, marking the completion of the Croatian part of the 5C corridor linking Hungary with Croatia. This project is expected to not only improve travel time between Hungarian and Croatian cities, but also potentially enhance road transport to the Adriatic Sea in the long term.

Currently, 83.6 out of 88.6 kilometers of the Croatian section have been completed, with the final 5 kilometers from Beli Manastir to the Hungarian border under construction. Once finished, this development will reduce travel time between Budapest and Osijek to less than two hours, providing quicker access to the Eastern Croatian region.

Construction of the final 5 km section, from the Hungarian border to Pélmonostor, began in August 2023 and is expected to be completed by June this year. This section, valued at EUR 46 million, is being financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and includes the construction of eight structures such as a viaduct, flyovers, and bridges.

On the Hungarian side, the M6 motorway had already been completed, so the opening of the new Croatian section will significantly shorten travel time between Osijek and Budapest, making the journey less than two hours. This improved connectivity is crucial for economic and tourism relations between the two countries.

While the new motorway section improves the north-south connection, it may not provide a significant advantage for Hungarian tourists traveling to Croatia for holidays just yet. However, once the Bosnian section of the 5C corridor is completed, it could greatly reduce travel times to Croatian resorts in the south, benefiting Hungarian travelers.

The Bosnian section of the 5C corridor spans 325 km, with only 138 km completed so far. Completion of this section is expected by 2030, with one of the major challenges being the construction of a tunnel through the Prenj Mountains, making it the ninth longest road tunnel in Europe. Financial support from the EBRD is expected to accelerate the construction work in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The completion of the motorway between the Hungarian border and Osijek marks a new phase in the construction of the transport corridor between Budapest and the Adriatic Sea. This development has the potential to significantly reduce travel time between the two locations, benefiting business travelers and economic ties between Hungary and Croatia. Additionally, completion of the Bosnian section in the coming years could make the 5C corridor a competitive route for Hungarian tourists traveling to the Croatian coast, offering a new alternative route by 2030.



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