
Strangers come to the aid of mother injured by truck, care for her baby

A tragic accident occurred on Ankara Yolu Street in Şirinevler District, central Yıldırım district, where a mother walking on the sidewalk with her baby was hit by a truck. The incident took place when a truck driven by Muzaffer U. collided with Yıldız Polat while she was on the main road with her child. Health and police teams quickly arrived at the scene after being notified by witnesses.

Yıldız Polat was seriously injured in the accident and was rushed to Yüksek İhtisas Training and Research Hospital for treatment. Despite all efforts made by medical staff, Yıldız Polat sadly succumbed to her injuries and lost her life. The driver of the truck, Muzaffer U., was taken into custody as part of the ongoing investigation into the incident.

One heartbreaking detail of the accident was that while Yıldız Polat lay on the ground covered in blood, bystanders took care of her crying baby. The emotional impact of the tragedy was evident as Yıldız’s wife, who arrived at the scene after hearing the news, experienced a nervous breakdown.

This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety and vigilance while commuting. Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of Yıldız Polat during this difficult time.



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