
Successful Education Expo in Budapest: Photo Highlights

Hungary’s Culture and Innovation Minister, Balázs Hankó, recently praised the benefits of attending university in Hungary today. Speaking at the Educatio expo in Budapest, he highlighted the excellent quality of higher education institutions in the country, stating that they are leading the way internationally.

Hankó pointed out that 12 Hungarian universities are in the top five percent globally, with three in the top two percent and one in the top one percent. He set ambitious goals for the future, aiming to have at least one Hungarian university ranked among the world’s top 100 institutions and several among the top 100 in Europe by 2030.

With 330,000 students currently enrolled in Hungarian higher education, including 46,000 international students, Hankó emphasized the competitive nature of Hungarian universities on the global stage. He also highlighted the government’s commitment to providing scholarships, allocating 100 billion forints annually to 50 scholarship programs benefiting around 260,000 students.

The Pannonia Programme, which supports Hungarian students in taking courses at leading universities worldwide, has helped 3,000 students so far and aims to reach 8,000 by the end of the academic year. Hankó also noted that individuals with higher education degrees typically find jobs within 42 days on average.

Veronika Varga-Bajusz, the state secretary for higher education and adult training, highlighted the government’s significant investment in academic scholarships and expressed the importance of developing a motivating scholarship system.

Overall, the emphasis on the quality of higher education in Hungary and the government’s support for students and universities bode well for those considering pursuing a university education in the country. Evidently, the future looks bright for students in Hungary.



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