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Support for Netanyahu’s Party Plummets in Israel: Poll

A recent survey published by Israel’s Channel 13 television has revealed a significant drop in the number of deputies for the Likud Party in the 120-seat parliament. The survey shows that Likud, which currently has 32 MPs in the parliament, has seen its numbers drop to just 16.

The survey also indicates that the bloc led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, consisting of far-right and Orthodox parties, can only elect 45 MPs. This falls far short of the 61 required to form a government.

This decrease in support for the Likud Party and the bloc led by Netanyahu could have major implications for the political landscape in Israel. With the upcoming elections, it remains to be seen how these survey results will impact the formation of a new government. As the political situation continues to evolve, all eyes will be on the shifting dynamics within the Israeli parliament.


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