
Supporting Persecuted Christians: A Shared Connection with the US

Hungary’s State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, responsible for programs to help persecuted Christians, recently highlighted the importance of supporting persecuted Christians in Hungarian-American relations. In an interview on the M1 news channel, Tristan Azbej emphasized the significant role that assisting persecuted Christians could play in strengthening the bond between Hungary and the United States.

Azbej expressed satisfaction that the Hungarian government’s hopes of enhanced relations with the United States under the Trump administration have materialized. Collaborative efforts between the Hungarian government and the Trump administration have already begun, with discussions at the highest levels taking place. This positive development has been reflected in the visits of Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó to Washington and New York, as well as in initiatives like the Hungary Helps program aimed at supporting persecuted Christians.

However, Azbej also noted that the Biden administration has halted cooperation between USAID and Hungary Helps, diverting support to other causes such as promoting the “woke” ideology, supporting left-wing propaganda in Hungary, and backing migration initiatives. In response, Azbej successfully negotiated with the deputy administrator of USAID, Pete Marocco, to cease support for activities infringing upon Hungary’s sovereignty.

Addressing misinformation about alleged U.S. support for Hungary Helps during the Trump administration, Azbej clarified that the Hungarian government was the pioneer in launching the program to aid persecuted Christians worldwide. While USAID currently does not support Hungary Helps, negotiations have opened the possibility for collaboration in assisting persecuted Christians in regions like the Middle East and Africa.

The commitment to helping persecuted Christians remains a critical component in fostering Hungarian-American relations, and the potential for joint support from the United States, USAID, and Hungary Helps presents a promising opportunity to extend aid to those in need. With ongoing efforts to mitigate challenges and prioritize humanitarian assistance, Hungary continues to demonstrate its dedication to supporting persecuted Christians globally.



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