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Suspicions of Assassination Surrounding Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu’s Death

New Report Suggests Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu’s Death May Have Been an Assassination

The mystery surrounding the tragic death of Grand Unity Party Chairman Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu and the 5 individuals with him seems to be slowly unraveling. A new Forensic Medicine Report has brought to light the possibility that Yazıcıoğlu’s death was not an accident but rather an assassination.

The incident occurred on March 25, 2009, when the helicopter carrying Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu crashed into Keş Mountain in Kahramanmaraş, claiming the lives of 6 people. Following the incident, investigations were launched, and allegations were scrutinized.

In 2011, a report prepared by the General Assembly of Forensic Medicine included the autopsy results of journalist İsmail Güneş, who also perished in the crash. This report mentioned that the carbon dioxide levels in the blood could increase after death. Due to suspicions of FETÖ involvement in the incident, further investigation was initiated into the 2011 report.

At the request of the Kahramanmaraş Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Forensic Medicine Institute re-examined the medical documents related to Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu and his companions. On June 10, 2024, a new report was released, unanimously signed by 30 members, which contradicted the earlier claim that “carboxyhemoglobin forms after death.”

This new report has raised suspicions of foul play in the crash, suggesting that the helicopter carrying Yazıcıoğlu and others may have been shot down, leading to their deaths. Lawyers representing Yazıcıoğlu are expected to comment on this matter soon.

The case of Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu’s death continues to unfold, shedding light on the circumstances surrounding the tragic incident and potentially uncovering a possible assassination plot.



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