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Synagogue Attack in Tunisia Leaves 4 Dead

Deadly Attack on Jewish Pilgrimage in Tunisia

A security guard opened fire on Jewish visitors to the island of Djerba during the annual pilgrimage season. The guard killed a colleague before targeting the visitors, leaving one French citizen dead and injuring four others. Five security guards were also injured before the attacker killed himself as security forces approached the scene.

The 2,500-year-old synagogue on Djerba has been targeted before. In 2002, a bomb attack claimed by the al-Qaeda organization killed more than 20 people. Since then, security during the pilgrimage season has been tightened to prevent further incidents.

Despite the risks, hundreds of Jews still live on the predominantly Muslim island of Djerba. Every year, visitors from Europe and Israel travel to the island as part of the pilgrimage tradition. The motive behind the recent attack is unknown.

This tragic event serves as a reminder of the ongoing global struggle against extremism and violence. It is especially heartbreaking for the families and loved ones of those affected by the attack. Our thoughts and condolences go out to them during this difficult time.



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