

Çelebi Reserves 55 Quotas for TRNC Nationals with A Level Exam Results

The Department of Higher Education and Foreign Relations in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has announced that a…

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Get to Know Turgay Tanülkü: The Actor Behind Hızır Çelebi in Mehmed Sultan of Conquests

Hızır Çelebi, portrayed by Turgay Tanülkü in the TV series Mehmed: Sultan of Conquests, has captured the attention of viewers…

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Uncovering the Mystery of Palalı Sabri: Is Sabri Çelebi Still Alive?

Palalı Sabri, also known as Sabri Çelebi, was killed in an armed attack in Beyoğlu. The incident occurred when a…

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Sabri ‘The Machete’ Çelebi Fatally Wounded

Sabri Çelebi, a prominent figure in the Istanbul nightlife scene and a suspected leader of a prostitution gang, was killed…

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“Mehmet Ali Çelebi clarifies Kemalist position in People’s Alliance on CNN Türk”

AK Party candidate Mehmet Ali Çelebi in Izmir’s 1st district commented on the current political situation in Turkey during his…

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