

Kazakhstan Plans to Enhance Checkpoint Capacity and Decrease Wait Times

ASTANA—Checkpoints in Kazakhstan are set to undergo a major transformation, with capacity being increased eightfold to reduce wait times and…

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Decrease in Real Sector Confidence Index to 102.8

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey has released the Economic Tendency Statistics and Real Sector Confidence Index for…

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Bishkek City Hall to Decrease Trolleybus Fleet

City Hall in Bishkek to Reduce Trolleybus Lines In a recent announcement, the City Hall in Bishkek revealed plans to…

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Monthly Price Decrease Trend Identified

Inflation in Hungary has shown a decline on a monthly basis, with consumer prices dropping by 0.1% from April to…

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Hungary Maintains Lowest Utility Bills in the EU Despite Decrease in Other Countries

Budapest has the Lowest Gas and Electricity Prices in the EU According to a report by World Economy, Budapest has…

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Significant Decrease in Labor Migrants from Uzbekistan in Russia, Says Presidential Press Secretary

Labor Migration from Uzbekistan to Russia Decreases Due to Economic Reforms In a recent interview with Sevimli TV channel, Sherzod…

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