Emine Erdogan


First Lady Erdogan’s Diplomatic Visit to Nigeria – Latest World News

First Lady Emine Erdoğan Visits Nigeria to Promote Cancer Awareness and Support Programs First Lady Emine Erdoğan of Turkey recently…

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DMM refutes accusations regarding Emine Erdoğan

The Directorate of Communications’ Center for Combating Disinformation (DMM) has refuted claims that a helipad was built specifically for President…

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Turkey’s long-standing leader Erdogan to step aside after 2 decades in power | WION Pulse

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First Lady Erdoğan Champions Inclusion of Women in Peace Processes – Last Minute Turkey News

In a recent speech, First Lady Erdoğan emphasized the importance of including women in decision-making processes, especially when it comes…

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First Lady Erdoğan visits Ancestral Seed exhibition with prominent spouses

First Lady Erdoğan Explores Ancestral Seed Exhibition with Leading Spouses First Lady Emine Erdoğan recently visited the Ancestral Seed exhibition…

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President Erdoğan Attends Premiere of ‘Aybüke: I Became a Teacher’ Movie

President Erdoğan Attends the Premiere of the Film “Aybüke: I Became a Teacher” President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and First Lady…

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