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Germany Adopts Draft Law Expanding Federal Police Powers

The German Federal Police Law may soon undergo a significant reform, as the proposed bill by Minister of Internal Affairs…

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Federal Reserve Chair Signals End of Interest Rate Hikes

Fed Chairman Powell Addresses the Press After Policy Rate Unchanged US Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman Jerome Powell recently held a…

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Federal Reserve Announces Interest Rate Decision

The US Federal Reserve Fed announced its interest rate decision, much to the anticipation of the markets. The Fed has…

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Federal Reserve Keeps Interest Rate Unchanged – Breaking News

Fed Keeps Interest Rate Unchanged The Federal Reserve has announced that it will not change the interest rate and will…

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Based on this information, write a new short title in English: Tatar: An agreement on a federal basis is no longer valid

According to this information, write a new article in English: President Ersin Tatar said that they conveyed to United Nations…

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Based on this information, write a new short title in English: President Tatar: Negotiations for an agreement on a federal basis have been exhausted

According to this information, write a new article in English: President Ersin Tatar evaluated the statements of the President of…

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