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Possible Solution: Israel has the ability to withdraw from the corridor

Diplomatic efforts to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip are ongoing, with the Philadelphia Corridor…

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A Ceasefire is the Only Solution to Protect Children’s Health in Gaza

More than 18,000 cases of M pox have been reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo this year, with…

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Addressing the Compensation Crisis: A Solution for Millions of Employees and Employers

Employee-employer disputes: Many issues can be resolved through mediation Although landlord-tenant disputes often make headlines when resolved through mediation, it…

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Based on this information, write a new short title in English: President Tatar was presented with a book titled “Two-State Solution in Cyprus – History, Identity, Politics” – BRTK

According to this information, write a new article in English: The book titled “Two-State Solution in Cyprus-History, Identity, Politics” was…

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Increasing Support for a Two-State Solution in Cyprus and Compatriots – BRTK

Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler emphasizes commitment to two-state solution in Cyprus Minister Yaşar Güler of the Turkish…

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BRTK supports a two-state solution for peace

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel Criticizes Greek Cypriot Leader’s Statements Prime Minister Ünal Üstel has responded to the recent statements made…

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