

Boosting Higher Education in Transylvania: A Call from the Government

Hungarian Minister of Culture and Innovation, Balázs Hankó, emphasized the importance of maintaining the Hungarian model of higher education and…

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Celebrating the Restoration of the Heroes Monument from the 1848-49 Freedom Fight in Transylvania

A ceremony in Eresteghin (Eresztevény), Transylvania, marked the dedication of the renewed tomb of Áron Gábor, a Szekler cannon maker…

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Heightened Anti-Immigration Sentiments Among Hungarians in Transylvania

A recent survey conducted in Transylvania has revealed that Hungarians in the region demonstrate stronger anti-immigration and anti-Western sentiments compared…

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The Treasures of Princes: Exploring the Golden Age of Transylvania

A temporary exhibition titled “The Gold of Princes – Representation of Rulers in Transylvania” is set to open on Tuesday…

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Celebrate Transylvania and Hungary at Góbéfest in Manchester!

Góbéfest, the original urban folk music and dance festival in Manchester with a strong Central and Eastern European influence, is…

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Historic Monument in Transylvania Restored to Former Glory

The Palace of Culture in Târgu Mureș (Marosvásárhely, Romania) has been officially inaugurated after a four-year renovation and restoration process.…

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