
Tajikistan Suppresses Remaining Dissent with Latest Crackdown

Tajikistan Continues Crackdown on Opposition: Last Opposition Politician Arrested

DUSHANBE — Tajikistan has once again made headlines for its crackdown on political opposition, with the recent arrest of Shokirjon Hakimov, the last opposition politician in the country who openly criticized the authoritarian government’s policies.

Hakimov, the deputy head of the Social Democratic Party, was detained on July 12, sparking concerns among civil society and human rights groups. The Tajik government has a history of suppressing dissent by jailing opposition figures or forcing them into exile, with many independent journalists, activists, and government critics currently languishing in prisons.

The arrest of Hakimov is believed to be linked to a criminal case against Saidjafar Usmonzoda, a lawmaker and former head of the Democratic Party of Tajikistan, who was detained in June for allegedly plotting to overthrow the government. Tajik Prosecutor-General Yusuf Rahmon has accused Usmonzoda and others of illegal activities, although the identities of the “others” remain undisclosed.

The arrest of Hakimov has raised concerns about the future of civil society in Tajikistan, with the Europe-based National Alliance of Tajikistan warning of catastrophic consequences for the nation. The group emphasized the importance of preserving alternative voices in the face of increasing government suppression.

The climate of fear in Tajikistan has intensified in recent years, with political opponents, including prominent figures like former Foreign Minister Hamrohkhon Zarifi, being targeted and detained on unknown charges. The banning of major political parties and the controlled elections have further stifled dissent in the country.

Despite facing obstacles in his political career, Hakimov continued to speak out against the government, a move that ultimately led to his arrest. Political observers warn that the crackdown on opposition figures like Hakimov could further erode trust in the government and potentially fuel extremism among disillusioned citizens.

As Tajikistan continues to silence dissenting voices, the international community is closely monitoring the situation to ensure the protection of human rights and the freedom of expression in the country. The fate of Hakimov and other political prisoners remains uncertain, highlighting the ongoing challenges faced by those who dare to speak out against the authorities.



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