
Tatar Attributes Peace in Cyprus to Bülent Ecevit’s Instructions

President Ersin Tatar Attends Bülent Ecevit Documentary Screening and Book Signing Event

President Ersin Tatar recently attended the screening of a documentary and book signing event by director Nebil Özgentürk. The documentary and book are centered around Bülent Ecevit, a former Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey.

During the event, President Tatar praised Nebil Özgentürk for his work on the documentary and book, highlighting the importance of preserving and sharing the history of Bülent Ecevit’s contributions.

President Tatar also emphasized the significance of the Cyprus Peace Operation, which was signed by Bülent Ecevit on July 20, 1974. He acknowledged Ecevit’s role in the struggle for peace and his representation of workers, employees, and laborers, noting the importance of his instructions during that time.

With the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation approaching, President Tatar took the opportunity to pay tribute to Bülent Ecevit, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan, and the martyrs who were involved in the operation. He also expressed gratitude to the veterans for their service.

Quoting Bülent Ecevit’s belief that “Military victories should be crowned with economic victories,” President Tatar highlighted the former Prime Minister’s vision for the development and management of the country.

The event was held at 15 Kasım University, which coincides with the founding year of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. President Tatar also took a moment to honor the Founding President Rauf Raif Denktaş during the event.

The screening of the documentary and the book signing event provided an opportunity for reflection on the historical significance of Bülent Ecevit’s leadership and the Cyprus Peace Operation, as well as a recognition of the individuals who played pivotal roles during that period.



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