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“The Century of Türkiye: Embracing a Promise Beyond Five”

Interior Minister Soylu Attends ‘Great Rumelia Meeting’

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu attended the ‘Great Rumelia Meeting’ at a hotel in Bakırköy and made a speech to the citizens who were present. In his speech, Soylu emphasized the importance of unity, brotherhood, and solidarity within the community, and how these values can help prevent human rights violations.

He spoke about the community’s patience and fortitude, and how they have turned their homeland, including the Balkans and the Middle East, into a geography of blood and tears.

In addition, Soylu also talked about Turkey’s progress and its impact on the rest of the world. He mentioned that the bridges, roads, highways, and viaducts Turkey builds do not just connect cities and increase transportation capacity but also serve as a symbol of Turkey’s contribution to the world.

Soylu also emphasized Turkey’s importance globally, saying that the World is “bigger than five,” and that Turkey’s door is always open for everyone. He expressed his appreciation for the various cultures and ways of life in Turkey, particularly the Albanian, Bosniak, and Bulgarian communities, and how he grew up with their traditions and customs.

Soylu concluded his speech by stating that Turkey and the Balkans cannot be separated and that they share a deep bond that goes beyond politics and geography. His words served as a reminder of the power of unity and solidarity in building strong relationships among people and countries.



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