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The Enigmatic Story of American Twin Gynecologists’ Lives and Death

Identical twins, Stewart and Cyril Marcus, who were born in 1930 in New York City, became famous for their achievements in gynecology. They both shared a passion for medicine from a young age, and they wanted to become doctors just like their fathers. The brothers worked side by side as gynecologists at New York Hospital and Cornell University School of Medicine, earning respect and recognition from their peers for their work. They even became known as ‘fertility gods’ for their success in helping women who had difficulty getting pregnant.

Aside from their professional success, the Marcus Brothers had an identical bond that went beyond normal twin behavior. They were almost like conjoined twins and lived a life that was inseparable from one another. They had their own unique personalities and distinctive characteristics, but it was almost impossible to tell them apart from the outside.

However, their bond was put to the test when they both became addicted to illegal substances in the 60s. Their addiction got out of control in the 70s, and it affected their work. Cyril Marcus even shocked his colleagues when he tried to circumcise a baby with the blunt side of a surgical instrument. Soon after, the Marcus Brothers entered rehab and gave up medicine. However, their deaths on July 17, 1975, in Cyril’s apartment, caused a mystery that still hasn’t been fully explained. The cause of their death was never determined, but reports suggest that it might be related to their addiction to illegal substances.

The Marcus Brothers’ story has become a popular culture phenomenon, with books and films based on their lives. The book ‘The Strange Death of Twin Gynecologists’ written by Linda Wolfe and the famous Canadian director David Cronenberg’s 1988 film ‘Dead Ringers’ tell the story of the remarkable lives of these identical twins.



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