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The Enigmatic Woman: How a Travel App Ignited Turmoil in His Life!

Title: Two Arrested in Erzurum Drug Seizure Case: Application-Based Travel Leads to Unforeseen Consequences

Erzurum, Turkey – In a recent development, security forces intercepted a car in Erzurum’s Aşkale district and apprehended two suspects, Erkan Oti and Iranian national Mahdieh Naroueı Nasab. Following a search, a significant quantity of drug pills and 628 grams of resin cannabis were found hidden in the trunk of the vehicle. The investigation revealed that the suspects came into contact through a popular travel application that aims to connect travelers and share transportation costs.

Details of the Arrest:
Erkan Oti, a resident of Ankara, confessed to purchasing the car in Ağrı’s Patnos district. He revealed that he met Mahdieh Naroueı Nasab through the travel application, with the intention of sharing the ride and splitting expenses. Oti stated that he traveled to Van’s Edremit district to pick up the woman, mentioning that the bag containing drugs belonged to him. Both suspects were subsequently arrested after appearing in court.

Fingerprints Found:
Upon completion of the investigation led by the Erzurum Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, two suspects were charged with drug trafficking. The indictment highlighted that only Mahdieh Narouei Nasab’s fingerprints were discovered on the bag containing the seized drugs.

Statements from the Suspects:
Mahdieh Naroueı Nasab, who has been residing in Turkey for six years, disclosed her interactions with an Iranian national named Hasan A. She stated that Hasan had entrusted her with multiple packages over the past month, instructing her to deliver them to specific individuals and collect payments on his behalf. Nasab admitted to suspecting the packages contained illicit substances, but claimed ignorance of their exact nature. She explained that she opened the packages out of fear but did not inspect their contents. Nasab further explained her use of the travel application, which led her to connect with Erkan Oti.

Erkan Oti countered Nasab’s claim, asserting that he had announced his trip through the application from Ankara. He stated that Mahdieh Narouei Nasab messaged him on the platform. Oti claimed to have checked Nasab’s identification and bags before proceeding with the journey. In his statement, he denied any ownership or involvement with the 628 grams of resin cannabis, alleging that they belonged to Nasab.

Legal Implications and Cautionary Advice:
Erkan Oti’s lawyer, Şeymanur Yılmaz, highlighted that his client had been unjustly held in custody for six months. Yılmaz emphasized Oti’s clean record and the absence of any traces of narcotics in his system. The lawyer cautioned users of similar applications to exercise caution and be aware of potential risks associated with unknown individuals. Yılmaz stressed the importance of verifying identities and urged users to think twice before engaging in such practices.

The arrest and subsequent detention of Erkan Oti and Mahdieh Narouei Nasab in Erzurum shed light on the unexpected consequences that can arise from using application-based travel services. As the legal process unfolds, the defense lawyer continues to fight for Oti’s release, highlighting the potential damage to his client’s reputation and emphasizing the need for a fair trial. This case serves as a reminder for users of travel applications to remain vigilant and exercise caution when engaging with unknown individuals.



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