
The First Four Articles of the Constitution: A Summary

The first four articles of the Constitution outline the fundamental principles and characteristics of the state of Türkiye. These articles have remained unchanged for years, reflecting the foundational values of the nation.

Article 1 establishes Türkiye as a Republic, emphasizing the political structure of the country. Article 2 defines the Republic of Turkey as a democratic, secular, and social State of law, with a commitment to social peace, national solidarity, and justice. This article also highlights the importance of respecting human rights and Ataturk’s nationalism.

Article 3 emphasizes the unity of the state, its official language, flag, anthem, and capital. It declares the Turkish State as an indivisible entity with its country and nation, with Turkish as the official language. The article also specifies the red flag with a white crescent and star as the national flag, the “Independence March” as the national anthem, and Ankara as the capital.

Article 4 establishes provisions that cannot be changed, including the Republic form of the State, the characteristics of the Republic, and the provisions outlined in Article 3. These provisions are considered fundamental to the identity and values of Türkiye.

While changes to the Constitution may occur over time, the first four articles serve as a constant reminder of the core principles and foundations of the nation. They reflect the enduring values and beliefs that shape the identity of Türkiye as a Republic.



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