
The National Leader of the Turkmen People Presents “Worship of the Mother – Worship of the Shrine” Translated into Farsi

A book by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, titled “Worship of the Mother – Worship of the Shrine”, has been presented at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The book has been translated into Farsi and the ceremony on September 1, 2024, was attended by various government officials, representatives from ministries and departments, diplomats from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, figures from the arts and culture community, as well as students and media representatives.

The speakers at the event highlighted the significance of the book, which delves into the importance of the mother in one’s life, as well as the values of homeland, family, and respect for parents. This work reflects the enduring principles ingrained in the national psyche of the Turkmen people, particularly the reverence for mothers as sacred entities. The translation of the book into Farsi demonstrates a deep respect for Turkmen traditions and culture.

Ambassador Ali Mojtaba Rouzbehani of the Islamic Republic of Iran commended the translation of the book into Farsi, emphasizing the importance of cultural exchange between the two nations. The presentation of the book in Persian further solidifies the strong bond between Turkmenistan and Iran, fostering greater understanding and cooperation.

The ceremony featured performances of literary, musical, and song compositions dedicated to mothers, along with an exhibition showcasing various artworks and handicrafts. The event concluded with participants adopting an Appeal to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, underscoring the value of the book and its contribution to Turkmen-Iranian friendship.



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