
The National Leader of Turkmenistan and Chairman of the Russian Federation’s Federation Council Hold Telephone Discussion

A Telephone Conversation Between National Leaders of Turkmenistan and Russia Strengthens Bilateral Relations

On June 29, 2024, a significant telephone conversation took place between Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the National Leader of the Turkmen people and Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, and Valentina Matvienko, the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

During the call, Matvienko warmly congratulated Berdimuhamedov on his birthday and praised his efforts in strengthening the strategic relations between Turkmenistan and Russia. She also conveyed warm greetings and congratulations from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In response, Berdimuhamedov thanked Matvienko for the kind words and extended his best wishes to the top leadership of Russia. He acknowledged Matvienko’s personal contribution to the development of cooperation between the two countries, emphasizing the importance of mutual understanding and equality in their partnership.

The leaders discussed the current state and future prospects of bilateral cooperation, highlighting the significance of inter-parliamentary relations in the Turkmen-Russian dialogue. They also recognized the growing trade turnover between the two nations and the importance of cultural and humanitarian ties, particularly in education, science, healthcare, and culture.

Both leaders expressed their readiness to intensify cooperation in these areas and reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening intergovernmental relations for the benefit of their peoples. They exchanged wishes for good health and success in their respective endeavors, demonstrating a shared optimism for the future of Turkmenistan-Russia relations.


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