
Thousands Gather at Péter Magyar’s Rally in Fidesz’s Heartland Today – See Photos

Hungary is in need of love and peace, according to Péter Magyar, the head of the Tisza Party’s list for the upcoming European parliamentary elections. In a gathering in Debrecen, Magyar highlighted the importance of leadership that works daily in the best interest of the Hungarian people, rather than pretending to be rural and family-friendly or Christian.

Describing the event as the largest political demonstration in recent decades, Magyar announced plans to double the family allowance if his party gains the mandate to govern. He criticized the misuse of European Union funding in Hungary, stating that a significant portion of the money had been used for private equity, luxury assets, and offshore accounts, painting a picture of Hungary being operated like a “family company” by the ruling party.

Regarding the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, Magyar emphasized his party’s pro-peace stance and called for peace talks to begin promptly. He highlighted the upcoming European parliamentary and local elections as a crucial moment for Hungary, where voters would have to choose between Fidesz and Tisza. Magyar portrayed Fidesz as a party promoting war and agitation, while Tisza stood for peace, the future, and the well-being of future generations.

On the issue of battery manufacturing plants in Hungary, Magyar expressed concerns about the risks posed to the people and the environment. He promised that if his party comes to power, they would restore the environmental ministry, strengthen oversight institutions, tighten laws, and ensure local communities benefit from such investments.

Magyar also mentioned that his party had received recommendations to set up a list in almost every county. The upcoming elections in June would be crucial for Hungary’s future, and Magyar urged voters to choose peace, safety, and happiness for their children and grandchildren.


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