
Top Universities and Most Popular Majors Unveiled

University Admission Thresholds to be Announced for 120,990 Applicants

On July 24th, the fate of 120,990 students will be determined as the university admission thresholds for this year’s higher education admissions are announced. This number represents the total amount of individuals who have applied to a university’s bachelor, master, or diploma courses starting in September 2024. The top five universities attracting applicants include both metropolitan and rural institutions, according to World Economy.

The majority of applicants, 67 percent, applied for bachelor’s degrees, while 20 percent applied for master’s degrees. Additionally, 10 percent sought non-university courses, and 3 percent applied for higher education vocational courses. Business studies remain popular, but there has been a notable increase in interest in teacher training, as well as technical, IT, and natural science courses.

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) continues to lead in attracting applicants, with a total of 17,080 applicants for this year. Following ELTE, the University of Debrecen in eastern Hungary received 9,950 applicants, the University of Szeged in southern Hungary received 8,395 applicants, and the University of Pécs in southwestern Hungary received 7,292 applicants.

The Budapest Business University rounds out the top five most popular higher education institutions with 6,729 applicants. Despite ELTE’s long-standing popularity, the number of students eligible for state scholarships has decreased by 1,800 to 10,820 this year.

The most sought-after major, with 6,801 applicants, is again the Bachelor of Business Administration and Management. This is followed by Psychology, Law, Nursing and patient care, and Commerce and Marketing.

As World Economy previously reported, predicting this year’s thresholds is challenging due to variations in scoring methods across different universities. The e-admission system allows students to make administrative changes until July 10th, such as uploading additional documents, changing university preferences, or withdrawing applications.

It is an exciting and crucial time for these aspiring students as they await the announcement of university admission thresholds, which will shape their future academic paths.


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