
Töre meets with Turkish Trade Minister Bolat

Deputy President and Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic Zorlu Töre welcomed the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Turkey Ömer Bolat and his delegation in a recent meeting. The reception, held at the Hall of Honor of the Assembly of the Republic, saw Guest Minister Bolat taking the first floor to discuss various matters of cooperation.

In his statements, Minister Bolat highlighted the strong ties between Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), emphasizing their commitment to supporting the economic development of the region. He mentioned the signing of cooperation agreements with the TRNC government, including a significant project to install mobile x-ray devices in key ports for enhanced customs security and trade facilitation.

Furthermore, Minister Bolat announced plans to bring narcotic dogs to the TRNC and provide support for local companies to participate in international and Turkish fairs, breaking unfair trade embargoes in the process. He also mentioned a recent agreement for project and grant support worth 16 billion lira to the TRNC, showcasing the continued solidarity and cooperation between Turkey and the TRNC.

President Zorlu Töre expressed his delight at the visit of Minister Bolat and his delegation, highlighting the importance of the cooperation between the two nations. He underlined the security and stability enjoyed by the TRNC, attributing its strength to the unwavering support of Turkey.

President Töre also addressed the need for investment in the TRNC, presenting a vision of growth and development for the region. He emphasized the enduring partnership between Turkey and the TRNC, dismissing rumors of decline or disappearance and urging unity and cooperation for a prosperous future.

Looking ahead, President Töre reaffirmed the TRNC’s commitment to peace and security, particularly in light of the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Happy Peace Operation on July 20. He highlighted the significance of Turkey’s recognition and support for the TRNC, portraying it as a crucial pillar of strength and protection in the face of external pressures.

Overall, the meeting between Minister Bolat, President Töre, and their respective delegations symbolized a strong bond of friendship and mutual cooperation, signaling a bright future for the TRNC under the steadfast guidance of Turkey.


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