
“Töre welcomes nurses organization representatives”

Members of the Cyprus Turkish Nurses and Midwives Union (CTNMU) and the Cyprus Turkish Nurses and Midwives Union (CTNMU) were received by President of the Assembly of the Republic, Zorlu Töre, on the occasion of 12 May World Nurses Day. During the reception, Ali Özgöçmen, Chairman of the Nurses and Midwives Union, highlighted the importance of the state’s sensitivity towards the issue of violence in health in recent years, stating that they were very pleased with the support statements made. He also stressed the need to increase awareness and education on this issue and for deterrent penalties against violence against healthcare workers to be regulated through legal studies.

In his speech, Töre pledged support for legal studies to be carried out in the Assembly on the subject, emphasizing the pivotal role nurses and midwives play as an important part of the health sector, especially during the pandemic. He also condemned violence against healthcare workers and expressed the Assembly’s commitment to ensuring their protection.

Also present at the reception were the Assembly Assembly Administrative, Financial, Technical, Parliamentary Services Manager Hasan Büyükoğlu and Private Secretary İrem Uygun. The event served as an opportunity to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of nurses and midwives, as well as to discuss strategies for improving their safety and well-being.



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