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Turkey and Iraq to Forge New Basis for Relations

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey’s leader, recently addressed the press at the Presidential Complex, where he discussed various diplomatic matters and upcoming visits.

One important topic on the agenda is the upcoming visit of the President of Tanzania to Turkey. Erdoğan emphasized the significance of Tanzania in Africa and highlighted the potential opportunities for investments and diplomatic cooperation between the two countries.

Erdoğan also mentioned an upcoming visit to Baghdad, Iraq, where discussions will focus on establishing a new phase in the fight against terrorism. He emphasized the importance of addressing issues such as water management, natural gas, and oil flow between Turkey and Iraq during the visit.

Regarding a possible visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Erdoğan noted ongoing communication with Putin and stated that the date for the visit to Turkey has not been finalized yet.

Responding to rumors about a requested meeting with CHP Chairman Özgür Özel, Erdoğan stated that the door is open for discussions and that they have plenty of topics to address together.

Lastly, Erdoğan mentioned upcoming teacher appointments, stating that the process will be carried out soon by the Minister of National Education, although specific figures were not disclosed at this time.

Overall, Erdoğan’s recent statements underscore the importance of diplomatic relations, cooperation, and addressing key issues in various regions.


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