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Turkey Celebrates First Mother’s Day After Successful Second Uterus Transplant

Havva Erdem, a resident of Erzurum, Turkey, was born without a womb, which meant she couldn’t give birth to a child. She declined a marriage proposal from her husband Şükrü Erdem, because of her condition. After watching news about Turkey’s first uterus transplant, Havva Erdem contacted Akdeniz University’s Faculty of Medicine, where Prof. Dr. Ömer Özkan performed the operation to give her a uterus from a cadaver. After undergoing IVF treatment, Havva Erdem gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Özlenen Özkan, named after AU’s Rector. Celebrating her first Mother’s Day, Havva Erdem urged women not to lose hope and never give up on becoming a mother. Speaking about the success of the uterus transplantation procedure she underwent, Prof. Dr. Özlenen Özkan emphasized the importance of this breakthrough and called on Turkey to embrace it wholeheartedly. She also mentioned the high demand for uterus transplantation not only from Turkey but from many countries worldwide.



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